Suze Orman’s Guide to Retirement

Recently, a client sent us a copy of Suze Orman’s “Guide to Retirement” and asked us for our thoughts. Here’s what we told them: While I personally don’t care for how Suze delivers her advice or opinions, I do tend to agree with most of what she has to say, which is also very similar to Dave Ramsey and I’m sure many others like them. As I skimmed through the article, five thoughts crossed my mind:


Not Everyone Needs or Should Be a Mentor

Mentoring is something that gets a lot of press time in our world. If you believe what you read, everyone wants one, everyone can see the benefit of being one and everyone should be a mentor and mentee several times throughout their life. I disagree – mentoring is not for everyone and here’s why:


Creating French Fry Moments

Google has a rather odd phrase they use in their company: “French fry moments.” They use this phrase to convey the concept of anticipating employees’ needs. The phrase and concept came about after an executive saw a scene on the sitcom 30 Rock, wherein one of the characters, Tracy Jordan, becomes outraged after an employee brings him a burger but doesn’t include the fries he didn’t order, prompting Tracy to shout, “Where are the French fries I didn’t order!? When will you learn to anticipate me?!” 


Here Are 10 Things That Don’t Require Any Special Talent or Skill…

To remind people of the need to play nice and be a good neighbor and supportive co-worker, why not create a giant-sized customized list of the “Top-10 Things That Don’t Require Any Talent Or Special Skills.” Most of you have probably seen this list pop up on your social media feeds – and whether you write it on a flip chart, create giant posters, or write it on your lunch room whiteboard – share the list or display it in a prominent place as a constant reminder to everyone.


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