Get eXcited!

At the beginning of the week try to think of one thing that you are excited about. This excitement can help you work through all the things that bring you dread.


Feeling Insecure at Work? Change It Up!

There are times in everyone’s lives when they feel like things aren’t going as well at work as they would like. Maybe it was that promotion they didn’t get, the committee they weren’t included on or the restructuring that shook up all the departments. Whatever it is, there is always something that can be done to shore up a shaken confidence and gain a new perspective. Try these three things:


Preparing for Vacation: Leave Work Stress Free

This article is extremely timely for me, as I’m heading out for a week-long vacation next week, right as work has started to get very intense. If you’re like me, you really like to have all your “i”s dotted and your “t”s crossed before you leave the office for anything, never mind an extended absence, so leaving in the middle of it all can stress us out, but not if we keep some simple concepts in mind. 


10 Ways to Have Fun at Work This Summer

Summer has finally made an appearance, so here are a few fun-at-work ideas that lend themselves nicely to the quieter pace (for most of you at least) of summer in your workplace:


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