Top 5 Successful Dieting Tips

There certainly is no shortage of diet approaches out there, and if you’ve been around the block you may have dabbled in more than a few! Here is a list of strategies sure to boost your efforts no matter what type of diet you choose to follow.


6 Tips To Help You Finally Lose The Weight

Nothin’ better than somebody there to motivate, or somebody to kick your behind when the going gets tough! We all have days we don’t want to exercise. And sometimes those days turn into 3 weeks and before you know it all your good intentions have died off. Grab a coach, grab a friend, somebody you trust. Somebody who will help you and surround you with good things…not the friend that will say “screw it let’s hit the bar!” Do you ever tell your kids “you are who you hang out with”?


10,000 Steps: A Healthier YOU One Step at A Time

It’s a Saturday night in May, 2004, and my wife Kathy and I have returned home from an evening out with friends. Kathy’s in the bathroom brushing her teeth as I busy myself getting ready for bed. Suddenly it happens — bam! A pain shoots through my head like I’ve never felt before, as if someone has hit me with a hammer. Suddenly, a strong and persistent pounding begins and I realize it’s my heart racing. I’m short of breath, I’m dizzy, and I feel nauseous. Somehow I gather myself and without saying a word to Kathy, I crawl into bed. 


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