Romance Kindlers For Couples

February marks a romantic opportunity for men to make a statement to that special person in their lives. For me, February is the month that I proposed to my wife (Kathy). Kathy and I were not able to spend our first Valentine’s Day together as Kathy was away at a conference in Vancouver, Canada. We lived in a small northern community at the time so had planned to have me join Kathy in Vancouver once her conference was over. I flew in late Valentine’s evening to spend…


Fresh Relationships

Jobs, kids, extended family challenges, friends, traffic, and every day life drama are all part of busying up our lives and sucking the romance out of our relationships.  Whatever happened to the intense pizzazz and the crazy attraction of life with your spouse?  Many couples say “It’s just too much work”, but does it really have to be that way?  Do we really have to allow life to suck out the intimacy between spouses?  


4 Simple Steps to Make Your Relationship Come Alive

Are you looking for ways to reignite the sense of newness and spark in your relationship? When you first met your partner, everything literally seemed to glow, hum and buzz with excitement. The way he touches my hand, the way she plays with her hair, or how delightful it is just to make dinner together. Every moment felt new and fresh (because it is) and as a result you felt a deep sense of aliveness in your connection with your new partner. Then slowly but surely repetition sets in. What can we say? Humans are creatures of habit.


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