No Time To Workout? No Problem!

The New Year always brings with it the promise of great things, happiness, joy, prosperity and health. The health part, is usually tied to some kind of resolution to exercise everyday that – let’s be honest here – usually doesn’t make it past the end of January. But why? I think the reason is simple… most of us simply don’t have the time to go to the gym or to dedicate an hour a day to working out. I get it…. It happens to me too! 🙂


Success Is A Journey

Too often, people are quick to say that someone is “lucky” when they have achieved great success.  The truth is, that in 99.9% of the cases, luck had nothing to do with it.  As a matter of fact, I don’t believe in luck.  I believe that luck happens when hard work meets opportunity.  I believe that the so called “lucky” ones are people who saw an opportunity and seized it.


Life Hands You Lemons for a Reason

Happy Health Tip: Lemons are one of nature’s gifts of happiness. So the next time life hands you lemons… put them to good use and smile! 🙂


One Happy Cat :)

My son wants a “Sharknado” themed costume for Halloween… While looking for costume ideas online, my wife and I came across this video that made us laugh out loud! Thought we’d share it with you. 🙂


You May Never Look At Life The Same Way Again

I would bet that if you’re reading this, if you’ve found this site, you consider yourself a happy and grateful person or are looking to be on this journey towards Your Better Life. For this I thank you and I encourage you to continue on this road towards happiness. But I want to challenge you a bit, and want you to consider what you are truly grateful for.


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