Here Are 10 Things That Don’t Require Any Special Talent or Skill…

To remind people of the need to play nice and be a good neighbor and supportive co-worker, why not create a giant-sized customized list of the “Top-10 Things That Don’t Require Any Talent Or Special Skills.” Most of you have probably seen this list pop up on your social media feeds – and whether you write it on a flip chart, create giant posters, or write it on your lunch room whiteboard – share the list or display it in a prominent place as a constant reminder to everyone.


Flipping the Script

This blog post has taken me a year to write. Every time I felt close to writing it, some less risky activity would distract me and I’d decide to let it simmer on the back burner just a little while longer. But today, I’m feeling inspired – maybe in part by other people who have taken risks themselves. So, I’m feeling somewhat ready and have logged into WordPress for the first time since LAST March – actually a year ago.


How to Become a Dream Team Mate

If you want to be happier, more fulfilled in life, less stressed out, and more successful in your career, then be someone who is easy to work with! Improving your relationships with your teammates, or better still, becoming a dream teammate, will help you achieve all those goals and then some.


Goal Setting 101

Now that the new year is underway, and you’ve had a chance to get out from under the resolutions that never quite got off the ground, you’re in the perfect position to step back, re-evaluate and set some new benchmarks to get back on track for 2018. Here are five tips to keep your goals tight:


Changing Bad Habits, One Step at a Time

If bad habits are tripping you up at this time in your life, then there’s no time like the present to make a shift. The only way to grow is by developing different habits, so the more intentional you are about creating them, the easier it is to grow. Habits are simply repetitive actions, so deciding to shift is a matter of taking a different action.


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