Grit & Grace

A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to hear Beth Moore speak. It was a great weekend with five girlfriends from different social groups with whom I am connected. I have known three of them for almost 20 years. We have seen a lot of growth and change in our families, marriages and in ourselves as women. We have laughed and cried for joys and losses. Last weekend we had a great time connecting as women. Our group ranged in age from 25 to 51 and we all connected to Beth Moore’s message of “Grace and Grit”. 


Success Is A Journey

Too often, people are quick to say that someone is “lucky” when they have achieved great success.  The truth is, that in 99.9% of the cases, luck had nothing to do with it.  As a matter of fact, I don’t believe in luck.  I believe that luck happens when hard work meets opportunity.  I believe that the so called “lucky” ones are people who saw an opportunity and seized it.


Faith It Until You Make it!

Over the course of my short time here on this beautiful planet I have learned that we human beings when it has to do with achieving goals, dreams, and aspirations are driven by two factors: 1) Our Faith or 2) Our Fears. I’ve also learned that faith is a verb; an action word. The definition of faith is to have complete trust and confidence in….  The bible defines faith as confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see! There’s a famous saying, you may have used it before, I know I have, that states, “fake it, until you make it.” I see you nodding your head.


Never Give Up

When you quit, you never know what may have been. How close you were. How you would impact the world. Let me give you an example that a friend shared with me that may help you visualize it even better. Portrait of an Achiever…


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