Day 1: It’s My Own Damn Fault!

All right, people, we’re done with the first month of this new year already! Many of you made resolutions for yourselves as this new year approached – at least I hope you did! If not, you should have, because if you aren’t intentionally identifying things you need to work on in your lives each year, you aren’t becoming a better version of you!


2019 is your year!

It seems as though the trend lately on social media is all about “2018 was the worst year” and how everyone is “done with 2018″. It’s easy to follow the trend of being negative with that ” I’m over it” and “I don’t care” attitude that seems to be so popular. You are human, you care. Focus on the good that happened this year, I know there are some. 2019 can be your year if you enter it with a positive state of mind!


Resolve To Be Successful With Your New Year’s Resolutions!

Let’s face it, we all have something we know we could work on to be healthier and more productive in our lives; and just like January 1 begins a new year many of us use this opportunity to make resolutions to identify and tackle areas we know we need to improve to live more fulfilled lives. The key to New Year’s resolutions really is not in the making of a resolution it is in actually successfully following through. High percentages of the population make a New Year’s resolution or two – unfortunately most resolutions end up in failure.


No Time To Workout? No Problem!

The New Year always brings with it the promise of great things, happiness, joy, prosperity and health. The health part, is usually tied to some kind of resolution to exercise everyday that – let’s be honest here – usually doesn’t make it past the end of January. But why? I think the reason is simple… most of us simply don’t have the time to go to the gym or to dedicate an hour a day to working out. I get it…. It happens to me too! 🙂


Achieve Your Dreams in 2016!

In our younger days most of us had big dreams…dreams of who we might become, dreams of things we wanted in our lives in the areas of love, family, health, career, life. As a young man I remember having many, many dreams in all areas of my life. The neat thing about that stage of my life was that I actually –believed- I would achieve my dreams!  I had no boundaries set for myself.  What an amazing and exciting way to live life! Believing your dreams will come true!  Unfortunately as I got older, I lost confidence in my ability to capture many of my dreams. 


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