Finding our FAITH-full Home

“Sometimes in may seem dark, but the absence of the light is a necessary part. Just know you’re never alone, you can always come home. Every road is a slippery slope, There is always a hand that you can hold on to. Looking deeper through the telescope, You can see that your home is inside of you. 93 million miles from the sun People get ready, get ready, here it comes. It’s a light a beautiful light over the horizon into our eyes.” ~Jason Mraz


When Letting Go Is Having It All

This has been a year of letting go. Letting go of how I used to define myself and what success meant to me.In my workshops and keynotes I often share (and get many nods in agreement) how most of my professional life I had an ongoing checklist of things I had to accomplish in order to “be” successful. If you’re nodding in agreement as well,


A Trivia Game and a Crack Pipe

It was a beautiful day on the beach and we planted ourselves under the pier to avoid the super hot sun. We’d be there for at least 4 hours as we accompanied my husband on one of his unique work outings. Today, a world record would be set for the number of scuba divers holding hands underwater. It was a sight to see! As we settled in and claimed our spot among hundreds of divers, I heard his voice. A loud, obnoxious, slurry voice. In that instant my shoulders tensed, I felt a lump in my tummy, and I saw my daughter’s nervous eyes. 


Signs Signs, Everywhere a Sign

If you’re like me, you look for signs everywhere! I remember when I was a little girl I would play a game with myself and with my friends too. It went something like this… “If I hopscotch and land on the number 3, it means that I’ll have a sleepover this weekend!” Or, “If I close my eyes and see the color red, then he will write me a love note!” 


Learn to Say NO Before You Say YES!

Ever wanted to fire a client? It’s usually very difficult to do. And because we tend to invest so much time and energy in building relationships with new clients, years can often go by before we are even able to muster up the courage to fire them. By then, though, a lot of damage is done. We lose a lot of sleep, energy and money, as well as the opportunity to bring on new, amazing clients, because our time is sucked up by these “vamps”.


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