Not Everyone Needs or Should Be a Mentor

Mentoring is something that gets a lot of press time in our world. If you believe what you read, everyone wants one, everyone can see the benefit of being one and everyone should be a mentor and mentee several times throughout their life. I disagree – mentoring is not for everyone and here’s why:


Job Hunting 101: A Girl’s Guide to Grabbing a Great First Gig

Post-college job hunting is a nerve-racking experience. This is especially true for women who face bias in the workplace for no other reason than a missing Y chromosome. According to Fast Company, there is a “soft war” on women that wages just under the radar.So, that begs the question, “How can a young, inexperienced woman get her foot in the door of the male-dominated world of business?” Read on for the answers.


Goal Setting: Preparing Yourself For Your Best Success!

Years ago, as a fledgling entrepreneur, I was having lunch with a man I respected as a mentor in my life.  Bert had grown up in Newfoundland and in his words “had ventured out to Western Canada in the late 1960’s to work in the oil patch with nothing more than the shirt on his back and $20 in his pocket.” You only had to have one coffee with Bert to recognize that he was a man blessed with an entrepreneurial mindset and the drive and energy to get him to wherever it was that he wanted to get to.


The Advantage of Having a Mentor

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the modern-day mentor is “a trusted counselor or guide.” Think of a mentor as someone who knows the ropes of your career path and is willing to share the good and bad of their past experiences so as to help you make informed choices. Consider that a study conducted by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) found that 75% of executives attribute their success in-part to having a mentor.


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