How to Become a Dream Team Mate

If you want to be happier, more fulfilled in life, less stressed out, and more successful in your career, then be someone who is easy to work with! Improving your relationships with your teammates, or better still, becoming a dream teammate, will help you achieve all those goals and then some.


Job Hunting 101: A Girl’s Guide to Grabbing a Great First Gig

Post-college job hunting is a nerve-racking experience. This is especially true for women who face bias in the workplace for no other reason than a missing Y chromosome. According to Fast Company, there is a “soft war” on women that wages just under the radar.So, that begs the question, “How can a young, inexperienced woman get her foot in the door of the male-dominated world of business?” Read on for the answers.


Ace the Interview with Personal Presence

This is a great time to grab a sweet summer job, or take a step up in your long term career. To help you out, here are the top ten tips for acing that interview with ease and grace: 


The Advantage of Having a Mentor

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the modern-day mentor is “a trusted counselor or guide.” Think of a mentor as someone who knows the ropes of your career path and is willing to share the good and bad of their past experiences so as to help you make informed choices. Consider that a study conducted by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) found that 75% of executives attribute their success in-part to having a mentor.


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