Finding our FAITH-full Home

“Sometimes in may seem dark, but the absence of the light is a necessary part. Just know you’re never alone, you can always come home. Every road is a slippery slope, There is always a hand that you can hold on to. Looking deeper through the telescope, You can see that your home is inside of you. 93 million miles from the sun People get ready, get ready, here it comes. It’s a light a beautiful light over the horizon into our eyes.” ~Jason Mraz


Pay It Forward: Inspire Employees & Cultivate Engagement In & Out Of The Office

As an Entrepreneur who has successfully scaled up his business from my own spare bedroom into what it is today, you’d be surprised to know that I have a simple philosophy of business that has fared tremendously well across my organization:Happy employees take care of their customers. And happy customers who are well taken care of refer new clients, pay their bills and contribute to the profitable growth of the company.


Signs Signs, Everywhere a Sign

If you’re like me, you look for signs everywhere! I remember when I was a little girl I would play a game with myself and with my friends too. It went something like this… “If I hopscotch and land on the number 3, it means that I’ll have a sleepover this weekend!” Or, “If I close my eyes and see the color red, then he will write me a love note!” 


Your Better “December” Calendar

Being organized, motivated, and inspired are all important parts of achieving your best life. The easiest way we’ve found of staying on track is by keeping a monthly calendar where we can see our key events, track our goals, and even motivate ourselves with quotes and affirmations. For years, we’ve published a monthly calendar for our own team. Rather, than keep it to ourselves, we’ve decided to share it with all of you! Especially since we know how helpful this can be. 🙂 


You May Never Look At Life The Same Way Again

I would bet that if you’re reading this, if you’ve found this site, you consider yourself a happy and grateful person or are looking to be on this journey towards Your Better Life. For this I thank you and I encourage you to continue on this road towards happiness. But I want to challenge you a bit, and want you to consider what you are truly grateful for.


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