What Your Kids and Jihadists have in Common!

You’re not going to like what I have to say and frankly I don’t care!  We have entered a time when technology has advanced us beyond our capability to make wise judgements.  The most vulnerable are our kids and most who read this have their heads in the sand – not having a clue what risks our children – youth – teens – young adults face.  It’s a scary world and with technology kids and Jihadists have at least one thing in common – their desire for secrecy!


Youthful Dishonesty: The Hidden Truth – 6 Things Every Parent Should Know

As he began putting the first bite of his McDonalds pancake in his mouth, I told my son, “It’s time you told me the truth.”  The fork slowly came out of his mouth as he looked at me with stunned surprise in silence.  “What are you talking about Dad?” Your mom and I know what you’re doing.  It’s time you told us the truth.”  From that point on my son lost his appetite as he was faced with the unpleasant task of telling us about behavior that he hoped would stay hidden.


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