Paying for a grandchild’s college

Seems like a number of our clients are new grandparents and naturally they’re interested in taking steps to help pay for college down the road. So, what is the best way for a retiree, a grandparent, to help pay for their grandchild’s college?


Does “Time Out” Work With Kids? (Video)

Many parents and teachers use Time Out as a way to discipline children.  Are you certain that you are using it correctly?  Does it work for your child?  Watch this video and get information on how to use Time Out in the most effective way…


Helping Grandparents Help “You” Parent

Granny, Abuelo, Pop Pop- these are magic labels in our imagination when we think about our children and their relationship with their grandparents.  But what if their presence creates more chaos than help? We want them to be a part of our children’s lives and sometimes we need them to help us with the care-giving.  Watch this interview I hosted with mommy blogger LadydeeLG and get some answers around this topic.


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