Summertime Fun – Finding Inspiration in the Closet

Summer can be a tricky time for inspiration, this summer especially. With the changeable weather and the lack of sun, many people are finding themselves feeling a bit lacklustre and dull, especially in the closet. Here are three straightforward ways to brighten up your summer closet and get ready for all the fun things that summer will bring.


Free To Wear What You Want

July is the month where we have the opportunity to celebrate our country and all the lovely things that we enjoy about living in a place where we are mostly free to say what we wish, believe what we want and express our individuality. Keeping our patriotic spirit alive can take a number of forms in your wardrobe. 


Set The Closet Up For Summer

Now that the kids are home or almost home for the summer, you might find yourself wanting to put them first and spend as much time with them as you can. As a parent, you understand the challenges that come with summer vacation for the kids, dealing with everything from disruptions to your carefully planned routine to scheduling daycare or other activities in the warm summer months. Spending a little bit of time in the closet this month can help you keep it simple as the summer heats up.


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