A Trivia Game and a Crack Pipe

It was a beautiful day on the beach and we planted ourselves under the pier to avoid the super hot sun. We’d be there for at least 4 hours as we accompanied my husband on one of his unique work outings. Today, a world record would be set for the number of scuba divers holding hands underwater. It was a sight to see! As we settled in and claimed our spot among hundreds of divers, I heard his voice. A loud, obnoxious, slurry voice. In that instant my shoulders tensed, I felt a lump in my tummy, and I saw my daughter’s nervous eyes. 


Take Time To Hear The Frogs

In this hectic, get-here go-there world a person can quickly get a jaded view of life and lose their sense of humour. Stop lights, traffic, people honking, hustle, bustle, kids, dinner, work, chores – it’s just so easy to rip through life focused on the next thing and the next thing and not see the big picture. My wife and I have a nice property that backs on to a forested area. Birds flit in and out of the trees, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks race around the property. It’s our little piece of heaven,


Looking Inward

When I think of leadership, both in our careers and in our personal lives, (parent, volunteer, sibling, spouse, etc.) I cannot separate it from awareness. In fact, from my perspective, you cannot lead your life effectively without it. Awareness, or consciousness, must be at the foundation of your leadership, and it begins with self-awareness. So what does being self-aware look like? In my daily work with individuals and companies, I help leaders get to know themselves deeply and honor who they are at their core.


Healing Ourselves Through Awareness and Faith

There is always an aspect of ourselves or our lives that needs healing, isn’t there? Depending upon how aware we are of what needs to be healed, we can catch these “hurts” when they are like tiny scratches that just need a little bandaid and a kiss from Mommy! However, without that awareness, these issues– perhaps those we are tucking under a pillow and ignoring– may require a lot more mending later on. In fact, they can become large wounds that prevent us from moving forward in our lives, careers, or within important relationships. 


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