Pure Bliss Caramel Popcorn

My sister-in-law, Judy, has the best sugary treat recipes of anyone I know!  Many years ago she shared this recipe, Caramel Popcorn, with our family and we immediately fell in love with it. We have tried buying commercial brands but few, if any, come even close to satisfying one’s taste buds like Judy’s original recipe. As you spend time with your family enjoying a movie, a sporting event or a board game, make sure to make the time together extra sweet by breaking out this recipe. Your family will most assuredly appreciate the effort!


Microwave Caramel Popcorn

1 c             brown sugar

½ c            butter (melted)

¼ c            white corn syrup

½               tsp salt

½ tsp         baking soda

3-4 qts       popped corn (enough for a big bowl full)


1.         Combine all ingredients except for baking soda and popped corn in glass bowl

2.         Cook 2 minutes on high and stir

3.         Cook 2 more minutes on high and stir

4.         Stir in baking soda and pour over popped corn

5.         ENJOY!


P.S. Calorie counting is not advised with this recipe – just remember – time well spent with family and friends over a bowl of pure bliss Caramel Popcorn is worth every calorie ingested!

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