Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet

It’s a known fact that hundreds of New Year resolutions sprout up come January 1, but after a few months the majority fall to the wayside. Don’t let this repetitive ‘tradition’ happen to you – it’s time to make 2017 your best year yet. To truly achieve impactful results in any facet of your life pertaining to your business, I believe that you must make changes for yourself, first. What will you do to make this year your best year yet, not just professionally, but personally?

Dream, Believe & Achieve

What’s the first step to creating your best year yet? Craft your personal mission statement. Yes, I said personal. As you may or may not already know, businesses draft mission statements and proudly place them on their company website for the world to see. Creating a mission statement in business holds you accountable and reminds you of why you do what you do, day in and day out. Doesn’t it make sense that a personal mission statement would do the same?

My personal mission statement is to:

Create and grow enlightened organizations that provide meaningful, thought-based career opportunities, and to devote my time, talent and treasure to help others discover the joy and fulfillment of entrepreneurship.

This is what motivates me every single day, what drives me to reach higher and to do my absolute best. What does it take for you? Draft up your personal mission statement and keep it visible to motivate you when you wake up each morning.

Speaking of waking up, daily rituals that I religiously stick to help keep me going and steering in the right direction. By setting these and following through with them, my daily rituals help clear my mind and allow me to become focused on my personal mission statement. See, things are coming full circle!

Ironically enough, my daily rituals consist of my initials – ADWITTY! They are:

  • Arise – Up at 5:15 am Monday through Friday
  • Decide – Review plan, priority list and calendar for the day
  • Workout – 60 minutes of exercise Monday through Friday
  • Ignite My Mind – 60 minutes of reading
  • Thanks – 5 minutes of gratitude and journaling
  • Think – 30 minutes of free and clear thinking
  • YTD – Review priorities in Align, our company’s organizational software
  • 1 – 3 minutes of prayer

On an even more personal note, I am a big believer in “life planning”. Many years ago my good friend Michael Simmons shared with me his life plan. I looked at him perplexed. He said, “Adam, every business has a business plan. It seems to me that every person should have a life plan.”

I want you to stop and think about that for a minute. He is right! As entrepreneurs, we spend hours planning for our business, but many of us simply leave our personal lives to chance.

My life plan is 32 pages long. Not to worry, though, I’ve added to and modified it over a 10-year span. My life plan includes my personal mission statement (as I already mentioned), my goals in six categories: Family & Personal, Health & Wellness, Personal & Professional Development, Career & Business, Material & Financial and Spiritual & Philanthropic. You’ll also find my bucket list, Top 50 relationship list, and my future eulogy. For those ambitious enough to take a crack at creating such a seminal document, email me at for a template.

It’s Your Life – Make the Most of It

One of the main philosophies in my live is you only live life once, but if you work it right, once is enough. The meaning that I take from that is this is not a dress rehearsal. We don’t have another shot. And so, if you have dreams, if you have ambitions, if there are things you want to do, if there are people you want to meet, if there are places you want to go, this is the only chance that you have. Go for it!

If there’s something that you want in your life, to hell with whatever anybody else thinks! Go for it because the only person that prevents you from achieving what you want to accomplish is you, your own self-limiting beliefs, and your own fear.

Align your personal mission statement with your daily rituals to start getting ahead in life. Don’t wait, make 2017 your best year yet!

Adam Witty

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