Goal Setting 101

Now that the new year is underway, and you’ve had a chance to get out from under the resolutions that never quite got off the ground, you’re in the perfect position to step back, re-evaluate and set some new benchmarks to get back on track for 2018. Here are five tips to keep your goals tight:

1. What are you going for, anyway?

I once heard a business consultant say, “When you have ten priorities, you have none.” Everything requires focus, choice and getting over your fear of missing out. Get very specific about what it is you want to do – essentially, you’ve got to pick a horse and ride it. Half of the trouble people get themselves into these days is because of a lack of focus and commitment. Big goals got you paralyzed? Try a few small practice ones first to get the sense of what achievement feels like. I think you’ll enjoy it.

2. Why are you going for it?

No one gets anything done without a strong underlying motivation to achieve the thing they are looking to achieve. If the reason you are going for a particular goal isn’t deeply rooted in your values and beliefs, the behaviour you’ll need to demonstrate to get it won’t work. It will be too easy to slack off. If you’ve got a strong ‘why’, it will help you keep your eye on the prize.

3. What are you going to do about it?

Now is your chance to break it down – which beliefs will you have to change, what stories will you have to let go to achieve your goal and what behaviours will have to be there for you to get what you want? What are the actions you’ll take, daily, weekly and monthly to move you forward?

4. Who will help you get there?

Studies have shown that people with a strong support network and a coach are far more likely to achieve their goals. Who in your life can help you get where you’re going, with direct, tangible support or indirect, intangible support? You’ll need help – no one gets anywhere alone.

5. How will you celebrate?

Now that you know where you’re going and have a plan, think about how you’ll celebrate your achievement. Then, GO! Comment below to share your story!

Katherine Lazaruk

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