Ghosts In The Graveyard
As a child I loved playing the game “Ghosts In The Graveyard”. My friends and I could often be found playing this game around our houses. It was always great fun to see who found the ghost and who was able to run back to the safe place the fastest!
This delicious recipe is for “Ghosts In the Graveyard” that might be enjoyed after a fun evening of pumpkin carving or playing games.
3 ½ c cold milk (or lactose free alternative)
2 packages 4 serving size Instant Chocolate Pudding
1-12oz Cool Whip or whipped topping of choice, thawed
1-16oz package chocolate sandwich cookies, crushed (easy to crush in a small food processor or crush in a plastic bag with a rolling pin)
Make pudding as directed using 3 ½ cups of milk. Let stand 5 minutes
Stir in 3 cups of the whipped topping and ½ of the crushed cookies.
Spoon into a 9 X 13 dish and sprinkle with remaining crushed cookies.
Refrigerate for one hour.
Have fun decorating it with “tombstones” and “ghosts”.

QUICK TIP: Decorate your cookies and ghosts right before serving