Fresh Relationships

Jobs, kids, extended family challenges, friends, traffic, and every day life drama are all part of busying up our lives and sucking the romance out of our relationships.  Whatever happened to the intense pizzazz and the crazy attraction of life with your spouse?  Many couples say “It’s just too much work”, but does it really have to be that way?  Do we really have to allow life to suck out the intimacy between spouses?  

No, no we don’t!  

In fact some of the most romantic ideas are short and sweet.  Here’s a list of 10 romantic things that take minimal effort and yield maximum results:

  1. Be the spouse who remembers and celebrates the anniversary of the first date.  Make a big deal of your first date anniversary with your spouse.  Rekindle the memories of that first date over dinner – maybetake your spouse on a similar date – or cook him/her a meal and reminisce the event.  Flowers, guys, are a great idea… a card… and so on.  Kathy and I had our first date on September, Friday the 13th and we drank a certain brand of wine… we always celebrate September the 13th… and because we do… it helps to keep the relationship fire kindled.
  2. No kids – date night is a key.  A friend of our family told me that even when he and his wife were financially tight they ensured they hada date night every month.  At times they’d set their kids up with a movie and meal in their basement while they had supper upstairs on their own.  Other times friends of the family would take their kids overnight and they would reciprocate the effort at some other point.  They’d save the baby sitting challenges and have an evening and part of the next day to themselves.  Sometimes – we just need to slow down and spend time alone to rekindle communication and spark romance – It can be done!
  3. Celebrate your engagement anniversary and never let it pass without reminiscing the moment that brought you together.  Maybe, if possible, go to the spot of your engagement and relive the moment.  Reminisce the feelings of the moment.  Make that day special for one another and never let it pass without reliving the love that brought you together.
  4. The art of the love note.  With so many ways available for you to leave a message for your spouse these days – do it!  And don’t just leave messages about picking the kids up or taking the garbage out – take time to spice up your spouse’s life with a little romantic “I love you!”  We all want to be loved – so remind your spouse how loved they are – how sexy they are – how they make your life better – how good they are often.  Keep the love fire burning between the two of you!
  5. Send your spouse an old fashioned letter.  Share your thoughts about your relationship and how your spouse has made a difference in your life.  Recall theevents of your relationship that formed it and made it special.
  6. Join your spouse in relationship devotionals.  Find a relationship devotional that you can read together and discuss concepts with.  Find time after supper or maybe before you turn the lights out before bed and share time with one another, nurturing your relationship with a relationship devotional study.
  7. Take a weekend road trip and listen to the #1 songs that have occurred in your life times.  Listen to the music that your parents were rocking out to when you were in the cradle and laugh about the songs you remember hearing.  This is a great way to share memories and funny stories through the years of your life.  Talking and sharing your life stories with your spouse opens up your relationship and brings the two of you together.
  8. Get creative! While your spouse or you are in the shower draw a big heart with both of your initials on the mirror or the shower glass.
  9. After finishing up dinner and helping clean the kitchen up present your spouse with a menu for the evenings entertainment.  Provide a variety of options like an evening moonlit walk , a romantic movie, music and wine by the fire,  a fun board game or something else you know they’d like.
  10.   A promise of things to come note.  Detail future holidays and romantic moments that you want to share with your spousein an email or letter or card and give it to them.  Let them know that you have hopes and dreams for your relationship.

No matter how short or long you’ve been together it’s important to establish and maintain the romance of your lives.  Life has a way of sucking the energy out of relationships at times and to win at the relationship game you have to intentionally keep your partner engaged with you and keep the relationship fresh and energy charged.  Never give up on love!  It’s there – sometimes you just have to work a little to keep it at the surface of your lives.

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