Feeling stressed!?
Overwhelmed with the upcoming holidays?? Did you know that diffusing pure essential oils can help take that stress away!! A natural, non-toxic aroma can cleanse the air and maintain all of the emotions!! My go-to for when I am feeling overwhelmed, and there are too many things to do on my list is dōTERRA’s grounding blend named Balance, I will put a drop on the bottoms of my feet to ground me and will mix it with Citrus Bliss in the diffuser while I am getting things done! If I am super stressed, I love many of the floral oils like Jasmine or Lavender! (A heavy hitter if you are having anxiety is also Vetiver!) Over the holidays I love diffusing Douglas Fir or Arborvitae to make the house smell like a Christmas tree even if you have a fake one! Or when I have company over the holiday blend makes everyone feel warm and cozy!