7 Impactful Gifts You Can Give This Christmas For Free!

Give Thanks. Another gift where the cell phone is not welcome. When the table is set, and people are about to plunge into their turkey dinner, ask each person to give thanks for just one gift they have been given in the previous year. After each person gives thanks, be sure to let everyone around the table know that their presence in your life makes your life better.

Many years from now, long after the gifts purchased from the stores have been opened – and most of them have been recycled – it will be the free gifts I list above, gifts that cannot be bought, sold, weighed or measured, that will have a lasting impact on the lives of the people you give them to and – you will most likely still be feeling the great joy of giving that comes from gifts like these.

Make this Christmas season extra special for others and be blessed by the joy you are spreading.

All the very best!

Tom Watson

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